Saturday, November 3, 2007

Additions to 8/30/07 "Hot New Athletic Activity"

To the Ironmans and half Ironmans in the 8/30/07 post, I'm adding marathons and half marathons. The best resource on the Internet for these is Marathonguide. When you click on a race, it takes you to a Marathonguide summary page that includes comments by those who have run the race and a link to the race website.

There's a search function where you can search by nearly any race-specific keyword or by location, date, and more. The marathon map with marked race locations will help you find a race by location or by date.

Comments by those who have already run a course are helpful. Racers discuss hotels, restaurants, race amenities, parking, the type of course (hilly/flat, etc.), the weather, expected times (whether it's a course where you can realistically expect to qualify for the Boston Marathon or set a new personal record, for example) and more.

You can view races two months at a time. The list itself shows the city, state and exact date of the run, and it links to a summary page for that race. The list also links to all available info by way of comments, news, press releases, course maps and results for each race listed. Not all races have all these items available.

Since I'm in Washington State I looked for races in WA. There were many, with full descriptions and comments by past runners. It's inspiring me to get back out on the road and get ready to run one!

To cast a wider net than the U.S., visit 42k195, billed as "the worldwide marathon directory."

To train properly for a marathon--there's more to it than just running a lot until you can run 26 miles--go to Marathons, Marathon Training, Marathon Training at Runner's World (where you can get your own training plan), and many more sites.

Many marathoners like to try to run a race in every state. If you've run marathons in at least 10 states, you qualify to join the 50 States Marathon Club.

Half marathoners can consult Half Marathons.

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